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Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being-数学是从哪里来的



作者:George Lakoff42D百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
书名:Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being《数学是从哪里来的》42D百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
简介:This book is about mathematical ideas, about what mathematics means-and why. Abstract ideas, for the most part, arise via conceptual metaphor-metaphorical ideas projecting from the way we function in the everyday physical world. Where Mathematics Comes From argues that conceptual metaphor plays a central role in mathematical ideas within the cognitive unconscious-from arithmetic and algebra to sets and logic to infinity in all of its forms.
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