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The Autobiography of Malcolm X-马尔科姆X自传



书名:The Autobiography of Malcolm X《马尔科姆X自传》3hD百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
作者:Malcolm X3hD百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
简介:Through a life of passion and struggle, Malcolm X became one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century. In this riveting account, he tells of his journey from a prison cell to Mecca, describing his transition from hoodlum to Muslim minister. Here, the man who called himself "the angriest Black man in America" relates how his conversion to true Islam helped him confront his rage and recognize the brotherhood of all mankind.3hD百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
An established classic of modern America, "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" was hailed by the New York Times as "Extraordinary. A brilliant, painful, important book." Still extraordinary, still important, this electrifying story has transformed Malcolm X's life into his legacy. The strength of his words, and the power of his ideas continue to resonate more than a generation after they first appeared.
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