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The Meme Machine-谜米机器



书名:The Meme Machine《谜米机器》A06百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
作者:Susan BlackmoreA06百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
简介:What is a meme? First coined by Richard Dawkins in 'The Selfish Gene', a meme is any idea, behavior, or skill that can be transferred from one person to another by imitation: stories, fashions, inventions, recipes, songs, ways of plowing a field or throwing a baseball or making a sculpture.A06百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
The meme is also one of the most important--and controversial--concepts to emerge since 'The Origin of the Species' appeared nearly 150 years ago.A06百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
In 'The Meme Machine' Susan Blackmore boldly asserts: "Just as the design of our bodies can be understood only in terms of natural selection, so the design of our minds can be understood only in terms of memetic selection."A06百睿谷-专注Kindle电子书资源和Kindle英文电子书的网站
Indeed, Blackmore shows that once our distant ancestors acquired the crucial ability to imitate, a second kind of natural selection began, a survival of the fittest amongst competing ideas and behaviors. Ideas and behaviors that proved most adaptive - making tools, for example, or using language--survived and flourished, replicating themselves in as many minds as possible.
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